Bio and Statement
Antía Iglesias (Vigo, 1997) is an artist and PhD in Creativity and Sustainable Social Innovation from the University of Vigo, Spain, part of the Dx5 Digital and Graphic art_research group, and in collaboration with the Inter-actions Research Unit at LUCA School of Arts in Belgium, and the UMR EcoFog group at the Université de Guyane in French Guiana. As a Postdoctoral Fulbright Scholar at the School of Visual Arts, NY (2024-2025), Iglesias continues her research on art-science cocreation to foster interspecies dialogue. Specializing in the hybridization of artistic and experimental scientific languages and media, her work explores the artistic potential of scientific processes. She finds in graphic art a platform to represent the complexity of contemporary ecological issues.
She was awarded with the 1st Creativity Prize of the University of Vigo (2024), 1st Prize for Research in Forestry Innovation of ENCE & Chamber of Commerce (2024), 1st Prize Novos Valores from the Museum of Pontevedra, Spain (2023), 1st Accesit in Gran Canaria Graphic work Portfolio (2023), Honor mention in Atlante Printmaking Prize (2023) along other finalist selections in national and international art competitions. Her work has been exhibited in renowned art spaces as the Habana Bienal in Cuba (2024), the Taiwan International Print Biennial (2024), The Design Museum in Barcelona (2023), the Real Casa de Moneda y Timbre, Madrid (2023), the FIG International Print Festival in Bilbao, Spain (2023), Pazo da Cultura in Pontevedra, Spain (2020, 2024), the Impact 12 International Printmkaing Conference in United Kingdom (2022) and at the Journées du Labex CEBA in Cayenne, French Guiana (2022).
She has published her research, both scientific and artistic, in several indexed journals like Applied Science (Basel), Open Intech (UK), Gráfica y Qp (SP), Sonda (SP). In 2024 she published the artist book Un bosque de malas hierbas (ed. Fundación RAC) and in 2022, in collaboration with Marion Boisseaux, published The multidimensionality of the plant, a bilingual Galicia-English art-science book edited by the University of Vigo, with a second edition in French and Spanish funded by Labex CEBA and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique of France (CNRS). She has participated in several collective publications like El multiple que ocupa el espacio (2024), El libro en blanco: espacios liminales de la gráfica contemporánea (2023), Anuario #1 and #2 of Error es bien – risoprint artista book, among others. Also, she has presented her research in international conferences like CHISA Chemical Engineering Conference in Prague (2024), EDUCA in Mallorca, Spain (2024), Sympossium Grafica in Lisbon, Portugal (2023), Planeta, País sin bandera in Bogotá, Colombia (2023), Cumulus connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict Conference in Amberes, Belgium (2022), Journées du Labex CEBA, Cayenne, French Guiana (2022) and in IMPACT 12 International Printmaking Conference in Bristol, UK (2022).
Based on her artistic background, her practice seeks to reunite art and science methods, languages and processes. Within a mutual sight, her projects deeps not only on the necessary interconnectivity of interdisciplinary research practices, but related them to the contemporary expanded graphic art through the representation of complex systems.
Mainly focused on HPI (human Plant Interactivity), her practices delves on inter-species dialogues and co-creation processes by introducing external uncontrolled elements and materials inherent capacity of self-formation. Materiality, process and interactivity are three main concepts presents in her whole practice.

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