Main Scientific and Artistic chats and presentations
An approach to “Graphic ecosystems: A scientific-artistic research on the becoming of vegetal waste from [invasive] alien species” at CCF (Forestry capacitation center) Lourizán, Pontevedra. 26th September 2024 – CCF Lourizán, Pontevedra, Spain.
Impact of Invasive Alien Species Tradescantia fluminensis waste on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Industrialy made Paper[poster presentation] CHISA 2024 27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering – 25 – 29 August 2024, Prague, Czech Republic Organized by Czech Society of Chemical Engineering in cooperation with EFCE and AIChE
Proceedings information
Coming soon
Waste from the wood industry, bark and leaves of Eucalyptus globulus, as a sustainable source of pigments for the graphic industry CHISA 2024 27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering – 25 – 29 August 2024, Prague, Czech Republic Organized by Czech Society of Chemical Engineering in cooperation with EFCE and AIChE
Proceedings information
Coming soon
Phd Thesis Dissertation “Graphic ecosystems: A scientific-artistic research on the becoming of vegetal waste from [invasive] alien species”at RAC Foundation. Jury: Dr. Estrella Álvarez., Dr. Esther Pizarro., Dr. Enrique Leal / Direction: Dr. Ann Heyavert., Dr. Ángeles Cancela 12th July 2024 – RAC Foundation, Pontevedra, Spain.
Full document
Not available at the moment. Contact for request
CREA Program Has Interdisciplinarity As The Main Axis of Training. Art and Science in Academic Research to Address Eco-Social Crises EDULEARN 2024 – 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies – 1-3 july 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Organized by the International Academy of Tecnology, Education and Development (IATED)
Proceedings information
Coming soon
Blanco sobre blanco. Espacios liminales de la gráfica contemporánea. XII FIG International Print Festival; 23-26 November 2024 Organized by Arthazi, Bilbao, Spain
Collective presentation of the book ‘Libro en blanco: Espacios liminales de la gráfica contemporánea’ and the exhibition project ‘Blanco sobre blanco’ from the Dx5 Digital and Graphic Art_research Group.
Micro-visualización del potencial físico-químico de tres papeles elaborados a partir del residuo de especies exótico-invasoras (EEI) y análisis de sus propiedades técnicas y creativas aplicadas a la estampación artística y técnicas gráficas. IX Symposium Grafica Qp – 6-8 september 2023, Lisbon, Portugal Organized by TGRAF Centre d’Estudis en Tecnologies Gràfiques de l’ISEC
Proceedings information
Proceedings of the Symposium 2023 in TGRAF Centre d’Estudis en Tecnologies Gràfiques de l’ISEC, Portugal
La multidimensionalidad del ser vegetal invasor: implicaciones artísticas, connotaciones conceptuales y saber colectivo interdisciplinario. Planeta, País sin bandera; 15 september 2023 Bogotá, Colombia IDARTES, Environment Secretary, Spain Embassy in Colombia, Culture Council. Organized by artist Ana Nuñez
Material connotations: meta-structure research of practice based projects with Invasive Species plant waste [poster presentation] Cumulus Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict; 12-15 April 2023, Antwerpen, Belgium Organized by Cumulus Foundation, Antwerpen University, Faculty of Design Science and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Representing and shaping regenerative futures: a context-specific approach to art and design education Cumulus Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict; 12-15 April 2023, Antwerpen, Belgium Organized by Cumulus Foundation, Antwerpen University, Faculty of Design Science and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Proceedings information
All data can be found in previous proceedings document, linked to ‘Material connotations’ presentation
The ephemerality of an organic material and its implications: a context specific study with invasive exotic species (Japanese knotweed) waste in Genk, Belgium Cumulus Connectivity and Creativity in Times of Conflict; 12-15 April 2023, Antwerpen, Belgium Organized by Cumulus Foundation, Antwerpen University, Faculty of Design Science and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Proceedings information
All data can be found in previous proceedings document, linked to ‘Material connotations’ presentation
Biomateriais e materia no entorno natural galego aplicados ao deseño, estampación e confección do obxecto cotiá [poster presentation] IV Xornadas de Investigación do Campus CREA, Universidade de Vigo; 13-17 February 2023
Subjective nature: graphical derivations from the scientific imprint of tropical tree seedlings through parameterize technological interfaces IMPACT 12: International Printmaking Conference; 21-25 september 2022, Bristol, UK. Organized by Center for Print Research, University of West of England.
Microlandscapes: La multidimensionnalité vegetal, une collaboration entre l’art et la science Journees des Jeunes Investigateurs UMR Edo Fog, Université de Guyane; 11 February 2022, French Guyane
La multidimensionnalité de la plante Journees annuals du Labex CEBA Organized by the Labex CEBA – Centre d’etudes de la biodiversité amasonienne et le CNRS – Centre National de Recherche Scientifique; 4-5 October 2022, Cayenne, French Guyane
Biomateriales y materia del entorno natural gallego aplicados al diseño, estampación y confección del objeto cotidiano [poster presentation] VII Encontro de Mocidade Investigadora, Univeridade de Santiago de Compostela and EIDO (International School of PhD); 26-28 mai 2021, Santiago de Compostela, Spain