[intermediate states – residual states] Installation art
The work Estados Intermedios – Estados Residuales (Intermediate States – Residual States) arises from the exploration of invisible realities and borderline states that manifest themselves at the intersection between scientific experimentation and artistic expression. The work is presented as an installation composed of twelve circular luminous pieces anchored to the wall, connected to each other by cables that evoke the complexity of a research process and the environment of a laboratory.

Each piece encapsulates the physical and mechanical transformation of plant pigments, obtained from invasive species, and thus reflects the duality between scientific objectivity and artistic expression. The installation allows us to observe the shapes that the pigments acquire during the drying process, which is similar to the internal structure of the leaves of origin. The work seeks to take the viewer to a borderline territory between the gallery and the laboratory, reflecting the complexity and symbiosis between the two systems. Likewise, through the accumulation of encapsulated extractions, the installation explores concepts of light, time, and organic destructuring in an expanded three-dimensional space.

Estados intermedios – Estados residuales was awarded in the Novos Valores Prize in 2023 with one of the four first prizes. Now a days, the artwork is part of the Museo de Pontevedra Contemporary art Collection.
Technical information
Installation size: 200 x 200 cm (aproximative)
Modules dimensions: 22 cm of diameter
Technique: Resin sealed pigment, electrical installation
Materials: Epoxy resin, dry lake pigment, wires, LED lights and methacrylate (acrylic).
Workshop: Particular and Fine Arts School in Pontevedra, Spain.