This installation speculation is an ode to an integrating and convulsive future, where the frontiers between the artificial, the organic, the natural and the created are diluted to build a scenario of the future forest. Recovering Morton’s idea that ecology is not natural, nor is nature, it seeks to materialize a future that critically competes with the social constructs associated with the idea of the natural.

The piece aims to reread our construction of the environment. In this way, hybridizing artistic and scientific methodologies and languages, an experiment is proposed as an artistic work.
The installation is composed of 7 closed microecosystems, in which the exotic and invasive species, Tradescantia fluminensis, lives.
These containment and visualization devices seek to break boundaries, establishing a dialogue between beings and materials to tell us a story of SF(Haraway, 2016).

Technical specifications
Year : 2024 – in development.
Series: 7 sculptural units.
Dimensions: Adaptable to the space.
Supports between 60 and 120 cm in height, 20-30 cm in diameter.
Tubes between 50 and 90 cm in height, 16 / 25 cm in diameter.
Technique : scientific experiment; living organisms; electrical installation.
Materials : iron, glass, methacrylate, organic matter (Tradescantia fluminensis), fluorescent pigments, led light, black light bulbs.

The plant-individual invades the space from its critical condition, survives and establishes itself in its new biome. The work is created from this inter-species collaboration, between human and non-human to weave a tentacular history of dichotomies and replicated dualities. The future forest will be invasive, it will be plastic, glass, light and color, it will be chemical, artificial, natural and complex, green, pink, orange and fluorescent yellow.
In co-creation with the vegetal beign, by observation and analysis, like in a scientific experiment, we can learn, we can try to coexist.