In collaboration with Marion Boisseaux at the UMR Eco Fog, INRAE and the Université de Guyane, in French Guiana, Amazonian rainforest.
The multidimensionality of the plant is an art and science collaboration project that borns on the idea of the interdisciplinarity and multi-perspective needed to address more-than-human entities. Collaborating with Marion Boisseaux, the project presented in the previous video searched to represent from different artistic and scientific points of view the tree species Boisseaux was working in her Tropical Ecology PhD.
The origin was stablished in Boisseaux Phd research project which goal was the evaluation of the effect of drought in a selection of 7 tropical tree species typical from the amazonian rainforest.
From this starting point, we mixed together our experience in art and in ecology to experiment how interdisciplinary languages could be mixed and hybridized to obtain more complex and rounded approximations to the vegetal world.

This experience got manifested in a triple format: a book, an exhibition and a short-documental.
The documental was presented at the Journées des jeunes at UMR EcoFog in Kourou, French Guiana.
The exhibition was organized at the Université de Guyane, in Cayenne in quoincidence with Des Journées annuelles du Labex CEBA.
The book was published in two editions, each one bilingual. First one (2022) funded and edited by the University of Vigo was in English and Galician. The second one (2022) was funded by the Labex CEBA as part of the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) and edited by the authors, is written in French and Spanish.