[A forest of weeds] Edited Artist book
Un bosque de malas hierbas [A forest of weeds] is an artist book of a first limited edition of 50 units. The photo-book present a close view of processes, artworks and results obtained during the Phd research Graphic ecosystems.

Technical information
Author: Antía Iglesias
Year: 2024
Dimensions: 27 x 20 cm
Printed: full color digital printed
Publisher: Fundación RAC
Funded: Xunta de Galicia & Vigo City Council
Edited and designed: Antia Iglesias
ISBN: 978-84-09-63023-3
Digital version: http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7387
This visual proposal is based on fragments of photographs extracted from the doctoral research Ecosistemas gráficos: una investigación científico-artística sobre el devenir del residuo vegetal de especies exóticas [invasoras], carried out in the PhD program Creatividad e Innovación Social y Sostenible, Universidade de Vigo, Spain, under the co-direction of Anne Heyvaert and Ángeles Cancela Carral. The project focuses on four species of exotic invasive plants, located in the riparian forest area of the Umia river, in Ribadumia, Galicia. These species are Eucalyptus globulus (exotic and ecologically invasive), Arundo donax, Phytolacca americana and Tradescantia fluminensis.