Research-based art from 2018 – ongoing
Research-based art refers to a creative practice in which artistic production is informed and shaped by systematic research. It integrates methodologies, concepts, and findings from academic, scientific, cultural, or social investigations into the art-making process. This approach emphasizes a deep engagement with a subject matter through inquiry, analysis, and often interdisciplinary collaboration, blending artistic expression with scholarly or empirical insight.
In this line of work, my research and creative processes seek to address contemporary ecological problems and notions such as the dissolution of the natural and the artificial, new graphic dialects and the linking of the human and the non-human through artistic-scientific means.
My work has evolved, since the early years of my career, from personal and introspective, technical, methodological and experimental exploration, to an aesthetic in which the clean and polished laboratory style prevails. However, it is possible to appreciate how the organic and the materiality of the means and materials used (inserted in a line of the new materialisms) remain constant in my practice, being the fundamental element. The object is presented as a link and a way of approaching what surrounds us and other living beings and processes. Matter and its inherent communicative and tangible capacity fixes our feet to the ground and anchors us in a changing and fluid reality.
Ongoing artworks
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